Monthly cycles have an emotional, physiological and sexual landscape whether we are trying to conceive in that month or not. Just like the moon waxes and wanes, so do our hormones, our moods, our energy levels and so much more.
This is an introductory workshop to help you understand the 4 seasons that influence your cycle, and learn to flow with, instead of against them. By tuning into these seasonal energies when they emerge we can align more deeply with our own cyclic nature. When we recognize and encourage the emergence of each season each day, each month, and throughout our lives, we get to celebrate these aspects of ourselves, instead of fearing, ignoring or denying them.
The menstrual seasons are fluid, personal and open to interpretation. But their characteristics, appearances, stories, strengths and weaknesses and the types of energy that they hold will often strongly relate to how you’ll be feeling, the direction you are likely to push your life in, and the sensitivities you’ll be feeling during a particular phase of your moon/menstrual cycle.
Understanding your cyclical body is life changing, deeply empowering & healing on many levels.
This workshop is for those in your menstruating years, whether you are menstruating or ovulating and/or have physical womb and includes meditation and visualization, theory, open discussions, journaling & dyads.
We will come together in circle format and will maintain a solid container of safety and respect.
Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a blanket, journal and pen.
The Art of Loving
369 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC
Price: $30.00