Sexual Health Education for Teens and Adults


Do you have questions pertaining to anatomy?

Do you need to feel confident regarding contraceptive choices?

Do you know what “STI” means and how to protect yourself?

Do you want to learn about self-pleasure, sensation and desire?

Do you need to know what to do to stay safe while having fun?

Do you need clarity on what consent means?

Do you want to explore various sexual interests but not sure how?

Are you bored,  lacking intimacy, lacking sexual desire?

Do you feel you are limited sexually by physical handicaps or health issues?

Do you suffer from performance challenges or pressure?

Sexual Health Education for Teens and Adults
Sexual Health Education for Adults
Sexual Health for teens

Often it is difficult as teens or adults to ask questions pertaining to sexual health because we can feel that we should already know the answers. If you are not sure where to turn to get accurate and relevant information that you need, then Choices is right for you.