Choices for Sexual Health Grand Opening
Choices for Sexual Health Grand Opening
I look forward to meeting you at my Grand Opening on February 3rd, 2019, 2pm to 5pm at Believe Yoga Pitt Meadows. Here, you will have an opportunity to learn about the dynamic services and workshops I offer to help you live your best life and support those around you. This is a free event with prizes, food, drink and lots of great information!
Registration required, please. Each time block will include information, and time for questions. Select a time block you would like to attend and click the Register button. Enter your email address and when prompted for payment information (there is no charge for this event), please simply click on Continue without entering any Credit card or PayPal information. You will receive a confirmation email
If you would like to submit sexual health or coaching related question(s) anonymously to be answered at the Grand Opening, please click on the button below to take you to my Anonymous Questions form. Other than the time-block you select, there is no link to this registration form, and your name is not known to Choices or revealed at the session.