On-line Workshop for parents! - Raising Body Positive, Sexually Healthy Kids


Join us for an inspiring and informative evening on how to foster a body-positive home and be your kid’s rad and fab go-to "Askable Adult".

On-line Workshop for parents! - Raising Body Positive, Sexually Healthy Kids

Looking back in time, what support around sexual health do you wish you had when you were a kid? The best mentors for kid's sexual health and well-being are parents. Without a strong support system, kids will turn elsewhere for sex related information. Talking about sex and sexuality and modelling body positivity is the missing link to prevent a whole bunch of problems later in life. The birds and the bees talk is not adequate. Low self-esteem, depression, guilt, body-image issues, increased risk of sexual abuse are just a few of the long- term problems. When we create a safe and open space for our children, we give them a place to foster and thrive and to navigate through the choices and challenges they face. This, in turn, encourages healthy decision making and acting responsibly. It truly takes a village of positive role models and it starts in the home.

Parents will discover:

  • The importance of teaching more than the birds and the bees

  • Why you need to start the conversation way earlier than you think

  • The long-term effects of trauma

  • Who has the most influence over your kids’ decision making

  • The number one way to keep your kids healthy & safe

  • Tips for promoting shameless self-love and on-going body positivity

  • The best way to start the conversations

  • Why knowing your values is key to talking to your kids

  • Tips for making the talks easy, fun and comfortable

  • The importance of teaching boundaries

  • An overview of what kids need to know and when

Join Certified Coach and Sexual Health Educator, Corinne Underwood and receive a whole lot of useful and practical information. Resources will be provided and there will be lots of time for questions.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Price: $15.00

A Zoom link will be provided at the time of registration.